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Streaming server (part 1)

Streaming Server: informacion I pergjithshem
Streaming eshte nje sherbim qe dergon dhe regjistron live multimedia mbi nje  network  dhe nje rrjet qe e lejon nje klient kompjuteri te luaje median ne kohe reale

Mund te perdorim( windows media services,QuickTime etj) Streaming Server qe  te:
§  Streamojme  low-bandwidth dhe high-bandwidth multimedia (deri ne 1.5 megabytes per sekond)
§  Transmetojme live stream,  unicast ose  multicast .
§  Te manaxhojme  numrin e lidhjeve me streaming server dhe  te vendosim maximumin per lidhje         .

§  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ndryshimet ne teknologji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
software QuickTime Streaming Server permban:
§  QuickTime Streaming Server,te instaluar ne direktorine  /usr/sbin/QuickTimeStreamingServer .
§, instaluar ne direktorine  /System/Administration/ .
§  Nje dosje e thjeshte multimedia, instaluar ne direktorine /Local/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/video(movie)/ .
§  Nje dosje konfigurimi ,t5e instaluar nedirektorine /etc/ directory. 

4 Interesting Things in Ubuntu 12.04


First things first: this version of Ubuntu is fast. My primary laptop isn’t terribly powerful: it’s a few years old and I’ve only got one gig of RAM. But upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 feels like I got a new computer.
Simply put: if previous versions of Ubuntu in general and Unity specifically felt slow to you, you’re in for a treat. LTS releases tend to focus on stability and speed, and Ubuntu 12.04 certainly feels that way.
Press the menu button; see the menu, instantly. Search for something; get results, instantly. Speed is no longer a reason to complain about Unity: it’s one of the its main advantages.


They’ve been there since the 80s: menus at the tops of applications, giving you access to different functions. Somewhere, in the midst of “File”, “Edit”, “View” and “Help” is the exact menu item you’re looking for. Computer users are used to exploring these menus and memorizing locations.
With 12.04, Ubuntu offers a different strategy:
1. Press “alt”.

10 awesome ways to use a USB

1. Lock and unlock your computer, secret agent style
With Predator, you can turn your USB drive into a "key" that unlocks your computer when plugged in, and locks it when it's removed. If anyone attempts to access your computer without the key (or top-secret password), they'll be hit with an epic "ACCESS DENIED" message.
2. Revive a virus-ridden system With the free AVG rescue software loaded on your USB drive, you can scan a crippled computer for viruses. And, if all goes well, bring your system back to life.
3. Run portable apps, games, and utilities
What's more portable than a laptop, tablet, or smartphone? Answer: a USB flash drive. Run applications like Firefox, Chrome, OpenOffice, and more, with just your USB flash drive and any computer.
4. Install and test-drive Windows 8
Want to peek into Microsoft's upcoming operating system? The consumer preview is available, but with this tutorial, we'll show you how to try out Windows 8 without overwriting your current OS.
5. Give Linux a try
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